
A Breathe Too Late

In Uncategorized on March 8, 2021 at 12:10 am

I really enjoyed this book! I listened to it as an audiobook and was captured i the first paragraph. Seventeen year old Ellie dies by suicide but has an out of body experience retelling her story and putting together missing pieces of her memory before her last days. A deeply moving novel that focuses on life, death, friends and family and the hidden truth that everyone has a secret or fighting a battle. I gave this book a 4.0 on Goodreads because it resonates and touches certain issues that may help others. Make sure you are emotionally ready to read this book.

The New David Espinoza

In Uncategorized on March 7, 2021 at 11:49 pm

The New David Espinoza book was a good read. It brought the attention to different issues for youth, especially a male character. Fred Aceves does a wonderful job bringing the storyline together with different issues of bullying, steroids and family relationships. I enjoyed this books from beginning to end as you see the transformation of David from his summer of Senior year to the end as he propels himself to ensure enough gains to show off he is not just little but strong. Overrall I rated this book 4.0 because it brought a connection of what youth may do in a situation of bullying. Also, I loved the main male character prospective and the diversity of characters in the book.

Everything I Thought I Knew

In Uncategorized on February 19, 2021 at 11:19 pm

This story reminds me of the movie The Lake House with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. Honestly, I really liked this story until the ending left me heart broken. 17 year old Chloe collapses during cross country and finds out when she is in the hospital she will need a heart transplant. She finds a way to recuperate but with some hardships and secrecy from her parents that she took up surfing. Trying to re-identify with herself and what she wants in life with a little romance but in the end it just left me heart broken but maybe find a bit happiness in the near future. I did enjoy this book from beginning and middle but just a heart full of despair at the end just made me reevaluate life.

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