
Module 2: Bread and Jam For Frances

In Uncategorized on September 9, 2012 at 4:36 am

Book Summary:  Frances is a little badger that loves to eat bread and jam all the time.  When she sees different kind of food in front of her she pouts and says a little poem describing that she does not like the food only bread and jam.  Her parents notice that Frances does not like to eat any other kinds of food or try anything new.  Her mother tries to get her to taste different kinds of food but Frances trades her food with her friend Albert in school.  Frances is only fond of bread and jam throughout the story.  Her mother obeys her little girl’s wish and only feeds her bread and jam for the rest of the week for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  When Frances went to school her mother packed her bread and jam.  She saw that Albert had a variety of food when it came to lunch time.  Albert had a hearty meal filled with all kinds of nutrients. When Frances notice that her mother puts in front of her bread and jam during dinner she wonders why she didn’t get what her mother cooked for the rest of the family.  Frances was getting tired of eating bread and jam all the time and when her mother saw her crying Frances gave in to trying different foods.

Hoban, R.  (1964).  Bread and Jam for Frances.  China:  HarperCollins.

Impressions:  I really enjoyed this book because it teaches children to try different kinds of food.  The plot has a good moral for children that are accustomed to eating what they like such as pizza and spaghetti.  The book gives a lesson to children to try something new.  The illustrations also give a touch of color and an idea what Frances is eating and doing at the same time.  Frances learns eating a hearty meal is important to a growing child which is a good lesson for kids to learn.  Milk and nutrients are important to a growing child.  This classic book will always be a favorite in my book collection.

Professional Review:

Coombs, K. ( 2012, June 5) Top 100 Picture Books #27: Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban, illustrated by Lillian Hoban  

[Review of the book Bread and Jam for Frances, by R.H].

School Library Journal.  Retrieved from http://blog.schoollibraryjournal.com/afuse8production/2012/06/05/top-100-childrens-novels-27-bread-and-jam-for-frances-by-russell-hoban-illustrated-by-lillian-hoban/

Another keen observer of the thoughts and feelings of children, the late Russell Hoban fashioned a starring vehicle for his earnest badger girl, who is a very picky eater. All she wants to eat is bread and jam! Her wise mother starts giving her bread and jam for every meal, and finally Frances gets tired of the stuff. But it’s the subtleties that make this book a classic. We find out what other family members are eating, and how. We see schoolmate Albert’s luxurious lunch and wonder when Frances will catch on. Best of all, Frances sings little songs; for example, to her eggs: “I do not like the way you slide,/I do not like your soft inside,/I do not like you lots of ways,/And I could do for many days/Without eggs.”

Gallagher, G. (2006, June).  Bread and Jam for Frances

[Review of the book Bread and Jam for Frances, by R.H].

School Library Journal 52(7), 45.  Retrieved from http://libproxy.library.unt.edu:7125/docview/211816067/abstract?accountid=7113

“K-Gr 2-Frances refuses to eat anything but bread and jam. Eventually, with some help from her friends and her younger sister, she comes to see that variety truly is the spice of life. The pop of color in the pink jam on white bread contrasts strongly with the little badger’s black-and-white fur, making it an effective focal point.”

Library Use:  Bread and Jam for Frances can be a book that can be taught to eat healthy.  The library can use this book for a day teaching kids to eat healthy.  After the book is read to the children a guide of information on eating healthy about the food pyramid can be explained to children.  Eating bread and jam is not always healthy so teaching the kids about drinking milk, eating a apple a day, and eating vegetables can be a good lesson on health and that kids can beat obesity.

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